Utah Short Sales Archives

Celebrity Short Sale Real Estate Woes

The image that forms in our minds these days when we hear the words foreclosure or bankruptcy, and of people in that predicament is different than in times past.  There was a time when we would roll our eyes upon  hearing of people that could be so foolish to let their finances get totally out of control  and  end up in that situation.

Today not a day goes by that we don’t hear those words mentioned, as well as many others like short sale real estate, Bank owned property, etc. The financial crisis and the collapse of the economy along with the job market have made words like short sale real estate common place. Read the rest of this entry

The Stop Utah Foreclosure Report

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Foreclosure and Credit Score – Critical Considerations

foreclosure and credit scoreMany questions arise  when faced with a looming foreclosure and the possible loss of your house. An important one is. How will all this affect my ability to buy another house again in the future? “I keep hearing about short sales is that a better solution?”

Before considering  the short sale of your home, you need to ask, “how will my credit be impacted?”

“Will I always have a bad credit score?”

Foreclosure and Credit Score  are linked, homeowners have indeed hurt their credit by missing  payments. Unfortunately, the higher the credit score you start with, the bigger hit your score will take. This has nothing to do with your creditworthiness, but with how the credit scoring system works. And honestly, foreclosure is definitely going to have a negative impact on your credit score, even doing a short sale will.  Read the rest of this entry

The Utah Short Sale Process

Utah short sale processIn a nutshell, The Utah short sale process involves the selling of a property for less than the amount owed to the lender(s). This essentially enables the homeowner to get out of a bad situation (i.e. foreclosure) without the need to come up with the entire mortgage balance or file for bankruptcy.

More often than not, the Utah short sale process can be implemented  some time between the beginning and end of the foreclosure process in Utah. It occurs when the mortgage owing would not be covered by the purchase price, and enables a buyer to buy the property regardless of this fact. Read the rest of this entry

Stopping Home Foreclosures In Utah

Watch the video or read the transcript below

I bet you had no idea how many friends you had. I mean, recently your mailbox has been overflowing with letters and postcards from people telling you how they want to help you. Who are these people anyway? And how exactly are they going to help you? Makes you wonder right? To be sure, there are a number of different options for stopping home foreclosures in Utah, options that you should be aware of, you do need to do your research. Read the rest of this entry

Stop Foreclosure in Utah – A Short Sale Might Be Your Best Option

There are a number of reasons why you may be looking to stopping your foreclosure here in Utah. Perhaps you are so far behind on your mortgage that you just don’t see any way to get back on top. Maybe you cringe every time you hear the telephone ring, fearing another uncomfortable conversation with your lender. This is an epidemic across the entire nation, and many reports have Utah sitting in the top five foreclosure states in the country. How to stop foreclosure in Utah.

Sale by owner previous to foreclosure.

Time is not on your side

Look around your neighborhood. There are bound to be other families in your exact same situation. Of course, while knowing you’re not alone may provide some sort of comfort to you. It obviously is not enough. You need to take action, and this article will address one “get out of jail-free card” that will not only be relatively kind to your credit score (compared to foreclosure), but is also extremely fast. In fact, you can end your nightmare in just a few days!

Why has it gotten so bad, anyway? Read the rest of this entry

Utah Short Sale – How to Stop Your Foreclosure Dead In Its Tracks!

Half million dollar house in Salinas, Californ...

Image via Wikipedia

It is no mystery that a foreclosure can wreak havoc on your entire life, from its devastating effects on your credit to compromised future employment and even the prevention of you getting a security clearance. These are not small consequences, as a foreclosure can have a greater negative impact than even a bankruptcy! As one of the highest foreclosing states in the nation, Utah has been hit especially hard. A Utah short sale has been rescuing “under water” homeowners from devastation, and this article will explain how.

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